Hi, My hermit crabs are doing very well even after up-dating them to a bigger Tank. But the four Hermies I nursed for my grandson (who my adult 40 year old son takes care of) one looks a bit unhappy. I almost wanted to take them home but it is the little ones love to have these like his grandma. So I check on them weekly and they were pretty good and each molted successfully. The nasty one who was really a smartie pants and pinched me, isn't looking very well. He stayed tucked into his shell and did not spread out like he did last time I picked him up. See, I was searching for them so that I could check on them to see if they were dead because my son said he was feeding DIRT. I told him not to expect activity much and yes he changed locations from a bedroom to the basement playroom right under the tv screen.
I wonder if that is stressing them. At least the one. His eyes were extremely dull and not glossy and black like the others. color of legs were ok. Matter of fact an improvement over what the strore had sold him as. He is getting all the correct vitamins and foods and humidity. So my question is....how can you tell a sick hermie! What is the deal with the eyes...any clues?
Did you dig up the crabs? If so, that is a big no-no. If they've dug down, chances are that they need to molt. Their eyes secrete the hormone that causes the molt process to start; light causes the crab to put it off.
The dull eyes is a sure sign that the crab needs to molt. So avoiding digging it up is definitely what needs to happen for a while!
Feeding them dirt! I suggest you take to your son about not feeding them dirt - you don't know what nasties are in there! Under the TV isn't the best idea, all the sound waves would be blasting the poor guys, they would be highly stressed!! I suggest you explain to your son the proper care for these lil guys!!
For now, take to your son about feeding them fruits, veggies and meats (like all our crabs) and taking them away from the TV!
Yeah one died. My grandson said "Daddy all his legs are everywhere! Where is his body..did they eat him?" I had to explain to my son that it was probably my fault because I should have left them alone. It was bad enough he relocated the tank to under a television set but me digging it up was not good. The one with the dull eyes passed away. My son has plenty of food and his remark about eating the dirt, was a joke I am sure. They have the coconut husk substrate mixed in as well as plenty of food choices. Thanks so much for helping me out. I took the blame and they have three left.