surface molting:it keeps happening.

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by nayomie »

Hi all i need help :( iv had 2 of my crabs surface molt and not make it. im not sure why they have not dug down im pretty sure im doin everything right, iv got deep enough sand but no other substrate, would they prefer something else? the temp and humidity is allways with in range they have the two water pools and a varied diet. am i doing something wrong? I dont want it to happen again. any help would be great thanks.
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Re: surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by ladybug15057 »

I am sorry to hear of your problems with your hermies, but surface molting is not an automatic death sentence. Our hermies here surface molt, so sounds like there is something else amidst.
We need more info, and as mentioned when asking for help, please copy and paste the questions and answer with as much detail as possible:

What is the volume of your main tank?

How many hermit crabs do you currently have? How big are they?

How long have you had the hermit crab(s) that you are concerned about?

What substrate or combination of substrates are you using? How deep is it?

What do you feed your hermit crabs?

Do you use distilled, bottled, tap or other types of water?

If you are using a dechlorinator, what brand is it? Does it state to remove all heavy metals, chlorine and chloramines?

What brand of sea salt are you using to supply your hermit crabs with salt water?

What heat source are you using and where is it positioned?

Have you calibrated your thermometer(s) and hygrometer so that you can interpret accurate readings?

What is the air temperature range and humidity inside the tank?

What is the highest temperature that the substrate near the heat source reaches?

Do you have any photos of your tank or hermit crab(s) of concern? If yes, please attach them to your post.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by Purple pinchers »

What the ground temp? It might be to hot underground for them to molt underground. So then there force to molt above ground. But we need more info to find the real reason for there deaths, so please do follow ladybugs instructions.
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Re: surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by nayomie »

Thanks everyone i dont have my comp at moment so ill just type the questions and answers hope thats ok. the main tank is approx 30 gallons, i think not sure if i worked out the conversions properly - i have 6 crabs in there all small but one id say he is a small medium - iv had them all approx year and half, the two that didnt make it id had for approx a year a little less - i use all play sand for substrate thats 5 and half inches deep - there diet is fresh raw and cooked meat like mince chicken,plain tuna prawns fish and they get fuit and vegies like apple, tomatoe, kiwi, celery, mango, watermelon ect they also get dry weet bix and corn flakes sultanas, egg and eggshells there is allways cuttlebone in hidey places and on there food dishes- i use bottled water for both there bowls and add salt that i got from pet shop its in a little tub with no label- i have had the themometre and hygrometer callibrated two weeks ago- the temp stays around 24.7 and 26 degrees celcius during the day but it does drop down to between 21 and 22 degrees at night the humidity ranges from 70 percent to 85 percent day and night- im not sure what the temp of the substrate is i wasnt aware i could measure that sorry, but my hermies do bury down alot some times for a few days at a time.also just a bit more info on the 2 that died once i noticed they had molted i seperated the tank so it was alone gave it water food a hut and a few other shells, it moved its eyes and limbs slightly for up to 3 days then seemed to dry out turn black and become hollow.i think thats all the questions i hope its not to much info all at once but im really eager to try get answers i dont wanna lose anymore and i no its only a matter of time befor another trys to molt.... so thankyou veeeeery much :)
Purple pinchers
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Re: surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by Purple pinchers »

What type of play sand are you useing? And did you run a magnet over the play sand to check for metal? Here is a nice article talking about the play sand (look at the last pic). ... Substrates The 70-85% humidaty is a little to flexible, so try to get that stable. I think bottle water is unsafe but i am going to let someone els awnser because i am not 100% sure.
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Re: surface molting:it keeps happening.

Post by ladybug15057 »

there diet is fresh raw and cooked meat like mince chicken,plain tuna prawns fish and they get fuit and vegies like apple, tomatoe, kiwi, celery, mango, watermelon ect they also get dry weet bix and corn flakes sultanas, egg and eggshells there is allways cuttlebone in hidey places and on there food dishes-
The shell fish (prawns) are they at least steamed first prior to offering? ... +threat%3F
i use bottled water for both there bowls and add salt that i got from pet shop its in a little tub with no label-
What is the name brand of the bottle water, and the ocean/sea salt, what is its name? Is it used specifically for salt water fish tanks?
70 percent to 85 percent day and night-
Purple pincher was correct in his answer, it should be a little more stable.
im not sure what the temp of the substrate is i wasnt aware i could measure that
One can use a probe type thermometer. Some own a meat thermometer that permits for this.

it moved its eyes and limbs slightly for up to 3 days then seemed to dry out turn black and become hollow
If you were able to see him, could you tell if he was a more transparent as opposed to any form of ‘consistency’ to his new exo?

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions. Hopefully we might be able to help if there is a complication. (and please do consider Purple pinchers advice about the play sand too)
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

If you are contacted privately (via pm or e-mail) and enticed to join another forum, please contact a Crab Crew member. This is an unethical practice.
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