encouraging molting?

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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encouraging molting?

Post by beka »

we bought our 2 pps from the beach shop in june 2011. they are both happy and seem to have a nice time in the tank. one of our pp, named hermie hermie hermie (by my 2yr) molted in the begining of august and looks like she is going to need another larger shell sometime in the near future. our other pp, hermie hermie hermit crab (by my 7yr) is rather shy and prefers to hide out. he will come out and eat out of my hand and peak his head out, so i assume he is happy. anyhow, i didn't realize until after we bought them that he was missing an entire back leg on the side with the large claw and the bottom portion of his other leg is missing (he seems to get around just fine, i look at his tracks daily to make sure he is eating/drinking). i really want him to go ahead and molt already. ^) that way he will regenerate his limbs and hopefully be even better! is there anything i can do to promote this?
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Re: encouraging molting?

Post by ladybug15057 »

One cannot encourage a hermie to molt. All one can do is offer the proper ocean/sea water pond, fresh water, temp and humidity levels and a well balanced nutritious diet. Only when the hermie out grows their old exo will they shed it when they want, if they want, and where they want to.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: encouraging molting?

Post by beka »

cool then!
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