Dave,My crab lives alone and has seemed fine for many months after losing his friend. But recently he seems troubled. He is destroying his tank. Ripping apart sponges, dumping sand into water dishes, digging and flipping things over, such as dishes. This is all new. He came up from his molt looking and acting very healthy. That was over a month ago. Thank You , Dave
There is a chance that Rocky is lonely. Hermit crabs live in colonies, and it is not normal for a hermit crab to not be around other hermit crabs.
It is normal for a hermit crab to "destroy" the tank, but as this is a personality change, I can't be sure what the cause is. I'm going to post your question on the forums so more of our knowledgeable crew can give some input as well.
I would suggest getting an isolation tank set up, and pick up one or two friends for Rocky, as long as you are certain your tank conditions are correct: temp between 72-80*F, with a range so they can move to a cooler or warmer end to regulate their body temperature.
Humidity between 70-80%
Ocean and fresh dechlorinated water
no commercial foods containing preservatives
places to hide
places for climbing
Has anything different happened in the home lately? New sounds? Have you moved his home? Someone playing loud music? TV on loud, or more than the crab may be used to?