Tank Heater Q

Questions about designing a terrarium.
Posts: 38
Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 07:31
Gender: Male
Hermit crabs: 3
Total gallons: 17
Total tanks: 1

Re: Tank Heater Q

Post by charcoal44 »

Ok, so after a 2 week period of warmish weather leading in to Anzac day, and a tank temp of upwards of 71 min - 75 max, it's now cooled off and the temps dropping to 67- 68 f, and not getting above 72 f.

So, can anyone advise if this would be a viable way of maintaining the heat.

https://www.ebay.com.au/p/Digital-Therm ... 625&chn=ps

Also, how are you able to get up to 38 degrees with a 20 watt heat mat as claimed in the description?


Posts: 72
Joined: 17 Nov 2016, 10:29
Gender: Male
Hermit crabs: 13
Total gallons: 125
Total tanks: 2

Re: Tank Heater Q

Post by StellaCrab »

Hello, sorry for the late reply!

I recommend a constant temperature of 80 - 86 in the day, and no lower than 76 at night, those temperatures you are listing as normal are quite low for daytime temperatures, and that is not healthy for the hermit crabs to be enduring.

The link isn't working for me, but I use and recommend acurite hygrometers, they measure the temperature and humidity, as well as record the highest and lowest reading from the last 24 hours, so you can check what your crabitat reaches in the day, and what it dropped to at night.

Have you tried insulating your crabitat? I also recommend reflectix for this, you can buy it at most hardware stores, or order it if you don't have one near you. It's a shiny gray roll that looks like a car window shade. I wrap this around my crabitat on all three sides and it keeps the heat it perfectly, and you can easily remove it if necessary.
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