I was surfing the web when i stumbled upon something... Something big - well, at least for aussie crabbers!!!
There is an application form that could allow the trade of animals in australia, so with the form, we could apply for Straws or for "exotic" animals like PP's!!!
Click Here to find form
So there could be a way, maybe if we talk about raising crabs the proper way - like we all do - the crabs would live longer, thus getting less imported in - I guess you could say a win for every one??

Sorry if somebody already stumbled across this before or if you already tried, but i super excited about this...

True most likely it wouldn't get accepted, but maybe if we talk about raising hermies the proper way, it can reduce to capture of wild caught aussies too!

(Wai, if you see this, I know you might of already applied with Straws, as i saw in the mini-chat, you love to have some other species besides C. Variabilis...)