Abnormal Amount of Poop

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Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by camman13 »

Last week I purchased a large pp from pets plus and isolated it with everything it needs, salt water, fresh water, a mini cork log to hide in, shells for changing, and using quickcrete play sand as substrate, not industrial strength, which seems to make a difference, though I know its not the best option(the regular tank has eco earth)

The crab was very active the first night, but now just sits in the cork log, the problem is that the crab seems to be excreting an abnormal amount of poop, i'm talking multiple piles on both sides of the cork log, my theory is that the shell it was in at the pet shop was about 2 or 3 sizes to small, trapping the crabs poop inside the shell, has anyone else had this problem? Or anybody else have theories as to what the problem is?
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Re: Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by ladybug15057 »

Welcome to HCP! Doesn't seem like there is a problem? :) Any time fresh cork bark is offered here to these hermies there is always more poo and such a nice dark brown at that! #D Seems it is one of the favorites here and the more rot the better they like it. Seems he may of missed eating bark since he had been captured and now enjoying a nice meal.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by camman13 »

well that would explain a lot, especially sense it seems as if it isn't eating much of what I am giving it, no interest in apples or banana, however it loved carrots and fmr treat, probably lacking carotene from poor supply at pet shop.

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Re: Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by Wai »

It's good to hear that his digestive system seems to be working well, if though it's more trouble for you hahaha. XD
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Re: Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by emmac350 »

Yeah, my cholla is always full of poop when I do a deep clean. It's the exact same color you'd expect given the color of the wood. I'd try offering him some meat (unseasoned and cooked) to see if that will lure him away from the cork bark. It's really sad how undernourished they are at the pet store, isn't it?
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Re: Abnormal Amount of Poop

Post by camman13 »

it does look like the same color as the wood, and i gave it some fish yesterday which it seemed to eat, its starting to venture around the tank today, the store i got it from keeps the crabs in a big plastic "tank" with no lid with gravel substrate, the only thing to eat is fmr food(left for probably days or weeks) but this one seemed to be new, active, good color and isn't afraid of people so its probably going to assimilate nicely with the rest of the tank
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