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12 February 2025: Due to family commitments and work, I have been unable to update this website and realise it is long overdue for an update. I will start updating the different pages as an overhaul after a long decade hiatus, especially considering how its focus and niche on the Internet will change.


If quoting any text from this website, please reference back to our page with a hyperlink. Do not copy any images without the original photographer's permission.


In addition to English, I can also communicate in standard Chinese and Korean. Although I cannot promise I will have time to translate the entire website into Chinese and Korean eventually, I am happy to assist you in Chinese or Korean if you leave a message in the Forums.


Why are there pests in my tank?

Pests will invade even the cleanest of tanks, so there is no single reason why your tank was invaded. Phorid flies and certain species of mites are harmful to hermit crabs. No matter what type of pest you encounter, do not use insect spray as it may kill your hermit crabs too. You can only use insect spray to kill the pests' nest if it is very far away from the hermit crab tank.

How do I get rid of phorid flies?

Purchase a UV-emitting insect trap and place it a foot or two away from the tank. Open the tank lids to let the phorid flies out. They will be attracted to the UV light from the trap and get eletrocuted. The trap should also attract other flying pests. Dig up any buried hermit crabs and give them a lukewarm salt water bath (the water should feel neither hot or cold when you touch it with your wrist). Make sure you flush out their shell water. You might want to bathe each hermit crab a second time too in a new batch of lukewarm salt water in case any eggs or larvae are still attached to the hermit crabs. Throw out the old bedding or bake it and scrub the tank clean.

How do I get rid of mites?

Purchase some Hypoaspis miles predatory mites and release them into the tank. They will not harm the hermit crabs. Instead, they will prey on the other unwanted mites in the tank. Once the tank is free of pests and the predatory mites run out of food, they will eventually die and your hermit crabs will eat them. Alternatively, you can throw out the old bedding, clean the tank and start again. Be sure to give your hermit crabs two lukewarm salt water baths and flush out their shell water. Try to find where the mites' nest is and get rid of it to help prevent future attacks.

Should I dig up hermit crabs and give them a bath if the pests are not harmful?

No. If the pests are not harmful, then just release the predatory mites mentioned in the previous paragraph to eradicate them.
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