Hermit crab begs for food....my food!

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Hermit crab begs for food....my food!

Post by docswife34 »

I'm a new hermit crab owner of 1 PP and 2 E's. One E in particular, Spongebob as named by our son, is pretty active. I walked into the room with my breakfast, omelet and turkey bacon, and stopped to look into their tank before sitting down to eat. As soon as I walked over, Spongebob was sitting at the front of the tank and absolutely started going crazy and trying to climb the glass. He looked like he was eyeing my plate as he sprung up on top of his coconut hut and leaned over. It was like a puppy begging for a treat! So cute! I would also like to note I do feed my crabs and Spongebob has a pretty good appetite so I know he wasn't starving. Has anyone else ever had their crab go nuts when eating around them? 8|
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Joined: 07 Sep 2010, 11:38
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Hermit crabs: 1
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Re: Hermit crab begs for food....my food!

Post by hermiesman80 »

Yes my hermie Hermes went ridiculous when I walked in my room with a bacon sandwich and he climbed up the climbing stick I bought for him and he climbed out of the crabitat and got on my bed and began to eat the eggs I was eating too.It was hilarious XD but he stopped and went into his shell because I moved my hand and he "shrank" back into his shell :| .
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