PetLand Complaint letter, response received, UPDATE

Report on pet stores that are either doing a great or terrible job of looking after their hermit crabs on display.
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PetLand Complaint letter, response received, UPDATE

Post by Arainais »

Recently I visited two Petland locations and found their crab conditions to be deplorable. Their crabs had no water whatsoever, but instead had those stupid cricket quencher gel things. There was no hygrometer, no places for them to hide and all the crabs were lethargic and in painted shells. I figured start out with the biggest problems and work from there, so I wrote the following letter which I plan to send to them. Please read and let me know what you think. I want to make sure I approach this in a way that will actually cause something to be done.

Dear Owner:

I am writing you today in regards to the living conditions of the hermit crabs that are being sold in your store. On two separate occasions recently I have visited your store and have found the conditions of the crab tank to be highly insufficient to meet the needs of land hermit crabs.

The hermit crabs were kept in a tank with shallow sand for substrate and a climbing branch. There were two dishes in the tank, one of which contained dry hermit crab food and the other of which contained gel packets similar to cricket quenchers products. There was a strip thermometer on the side of the tank and an overhead light.

Land hermit crabs are unique, exotic animals that have many requirements, the most important of which is being kept in the correct temperature and humidity range. Because the crabs breathe through modified gills, they require humidity levels between 75 – 85%. The tank at your store did not have a hygrometer present to measure the humidity levels of the tank, but I can guess that the humidity was likely too low due to there being no source of humidity in the tank. When crabs are kept in low humidity environments for more than a short period of time, their gills become damaged beyond repair, which will quickly lead to their death, particularly once they are purchased and moved to a habitat in which the humidity is optimal. Additionally, the strip thermometer on the tank at your store would not be sufficient to measure the air temperature in the tank. Hermit crabs need a temperature of 70-80 degrees to survive, and should preferably be housed in a tank that offers a warm side on the high end of that range and a cool side on the low end of that range. You could easily remedy this issue in your store’s crab tank by using a digital thermometer/hygrometer to monitor the temperature and humidity levels, and your store carries just such a product by the brand Exo Terra.

The second most important thing that hermit crabs require to thrive is access to both dechlorinated fresh and salt water. Although land hermit crabs are terrestrial animals, they fill their shells with a mixture of fresh and salt water to prevent dehydration and keep their soft abdomens and gills moist. When provided with dish of each type of water, crabs will submerge themselves in each dish to create the perfect level of salinity in their shell water. The gelled water substitute that was being used in the crab tank at your store would be useless to hermit crabs. Without access to proper water sources, the crabs will dehydrate and likely die. It would be a very simple matter to provide the hermit crabs in your store with proper water supplies. Using a high quality water dechlorinator in tap water (Such as Zilla brand aquatic reptile water conditioner or API tap water conditioner) and a salt water mix (such as Instant Ocean or Oceanic) you could easily provide the hermit crabs in your store with the proper water requirements, and it would be much cheaper to do this than to waste money on gelled water substitutes that are of no use to the crabs anyway. Additionally, having two dishes of water in the tank will promote a higher level of humidity in the tank.

On my second visit to your store, I spoke with a manager about the conditions of the crabs in your store. She informed me that she was aware that they didn’t have water and had not been bathed that morning and that she was planning to write up the girl who opened the store that morning as it was her responsibility to see that it was done, and that she did not have time to give them water herself. I informed her about the crabs’ need for fresh water and salt water and that the gelled water substitute would not be sufficient to meet the crabs’ needs. She informed me that she was aware of this, but that they were supposed to be bathed every morning to address this problem. I expressed my concern that bathing them was not a solution and that they needed to have access to water at all times, and she informed me that she was not allowed to give them water because she was only allowed to provide them with things that the owner instructed her to give them. I would like to think that, rather than simply ignoring the basic needs of the animals sold in your stores, you are perhaps simply unaware of how to care for these fascinating animals.

I would love to add to my hermit crab population, but I would not purchase crabs from your store at this time because of the deplorable conditions they are being kept in. Crabs from such poor living conditions have endured so much stress to their system that they have a much higher death rate once purchased and moved to a habitat that has optimal conditions for crab survival. I hope you will take what I have had to say to heart and improve the conditions in your crab tank. This will not only benefit the crabs themselves, but will benefit your business financially by decreasing your death rate both before and after purchase. Additionally, you would be able to educate new hermit crab owners about the proper necessities for crab care and will be able to sell them the basic products for crab care, which you already carry in your store inventory.

I finished the letter with a request for the owner to contact me and left my contact info. I'll also likely include a HCP care sheet

Is this ok? What should I add or change?
Last edited by Arainais on 09 Apr 2011, 10:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, please proofread for me

Post by ladybug15057 »

It is fantastic you are willing to get involved!
I did a search and it appears Petland is a chain type store? ... gle+Search
For this reason I am not sure where you will send the detailed letter, and due to the length whether it will actually all be read or a 'custom' type letter be generated?
The name of the person you spoke to, the date and time of your visit and the store ID numbers (found on receipt) and address should be included.
I do understand the want to go into detail as to the requirements of hermies are, but usually if the chain store cares they will do a follow up letter and that is where a little more detail could be added about what criteria was lacking during your visit.
As for shallow substrate, chances are this will not change. They need to keep the hermies above substrate so they can be viewed for sale. It is less stressful too rather than digging about to find them if they would burrow. Some form of a hut should be encouraged.
But it is good that you have put a LOT of thought into your letter.
I do apologize, it is late here and I am tired. Hopefully somebody else can also offer input?
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, please proofread for me

Post by CrabbyJo »

I agree with Marie. Alas I am at work so must make my reply quick (I'm on break), but Marie has made some very good points. Generally, when someone receives a long complaint letter, they will tend to read perhaps the first paragraph, then skim over the rest, not really ingesting the information there, unless it is to the point and somewhat brief.
I have to say you have done an excellent job!

Again, trust your gut when typing it out. You will notice when it's getting to be too much and will be able to abbreviate what you're saying, I can tell by the wonderful letter you've written so far. :)
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, please proofread for me

Post by ladybug15057 »

This is still a bit lengthy, but a bit shorter and more to the point... could still use to be cut back a bit more...

To Whom it may concern:

I am writing you today in regards to the living conditions of the hermit crabs. On two separate occasions recently I have visited your store’s *** Addresses or store ID’s here**** and have found the conditions of the crab tank to be highly insufficient to meet the needs of land hermit crabs.

The hermit crabs were kept in a tank with shallow sand for substrate, but to help them from becoming more stressed a hut for shelter should be provided. Hermit crabs should be offered a fresh dechlorinator and ocean mixed water pond (such as Instant Ocean or Oceanic) with water so they can fill their shells with water they require to prevent dehydration as opposed gel packets similar to cricket quenchers products.
Land hermit crabs are unique, exotic animals that have many requirements, a couple being kept in the correct temperature with a cool and warm side due to being cold blooded creatures to regulate their body temperature, and a proper humidity range 75% to help them breath through their modified gills. Low humidity levels cause gill damage which is irreversible damage that does not regenerate when they molt. For proper readings, a thermometer and a humidity gauge, both of which were lacking in their living enclosure.

On my second visit to your store, I spoke with a manager ****Name, date and time needed here****about my concerns. She informed me that she was aware that they didn’t have water and had not been bathed that morning and that she was planning to write up the girl who opened the store that morning as it was her responsibility to see that it was done, and that she did not have time to give them water herself. Bathing a hermit crab daily is very stressful and not needed if a proper fresh and ocean water ponds were provided 24/7.
She informed me that she was not allowed to give them water because she was only allowed to provide them with things that the owner instructed her to give them. I would like to think that, rather than simply ignoring the basic needs of the animals sold in your stores, you are perhaps simply unaware of how to care for these fascinating animals?

I would love to add to my hermit crab population, but I would not purchase crabs from your store at this time because of the deplorable conditions they are being kept in. Crabs from such poor living conditions have endured so much stress to their system that they have a much higher death rate once purchased and moved to a habitat that has optimal conditions for crab survival.
Additionally, you would be able to educate new hermit crab owners about the proper necessities for crab care and will be able to sell them the basic products for crab care, which you already carry in your store inventory.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, please proofread for me

Post by Wai »

You can strengthen the conclusion to:
ladybug15057 wrote:I would love to add to my hermit crab population, but I would not encourage anyone to purchase crabs from your store at this time because of the deplorable conditions they are being kept in.
This way it sounds as though more people will be bothered by their current set up, rather than just you alone if they didn't do anything about it.
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, please proofread for me

Post by Arainais »

Update! I sent the letter and got a call back from the owner yesterday. We had a nice long talk and she was very upset that the manager acted as she did. Although she tried to defend their crabbing methods (They get their crabs from FMR and follow their advice), she seemed open to my suggestions. When she asked me if I had any other cares or concerns, I asked if they ever purchased crabs in natural shells and she said that she didn't because people wanted them in painted shells. I then informed her of some of the methods that are used to force crabs out of their shells and into painted shells and the dangers of painting shells while the crabs are in them. She was shocked and horrified, and said she'd never heard anything like that before, so I got her email and sent her a link to the youtube video of crabs being forced into painted shells and pictures of crabs stuck in painted shells.

Anyway, I needed some new salt mix today so I stopped by and checked out the crabs. Their entire habitat had been redone. The fake climbing branch had been removed and replaced with some tall pieces of cork bark. However, I apparently still wasn't able to convince her that they needed a dish of fresh and a dish of salt water, as they still had those stupid gel water packets, but they did at least have a dish of water (don't know if it was salt or not). The last time I saw the crabs there, they were way overcrowded and they were all lethargic and not moving. The crabs today were active. Many were out of their shells and several were climbing around on the cork bark. All the issues I addressed weren't fixed, but at least they paid attention to some of them and maybe if she checks out the resources I sent her, they'll continue to improve. In a couple of weeks I am going to go back and check things out and hopefully adopt a few tankmates for my crabbies.
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, response received, UPDATE

Post by hermie_lover3542 »

That is really cool! I know the petland around here is the same way but ironically at my store they did the same changes! Perhaps your word is getting out. :D The only thing though is that at the time they had no crabs because they ran all out. But anyways great job on the letter!
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, response received, UPDATE

Post by CrabbyJo »

So glad to hear that the owner took the time to listen and to make an effort at enlisting change. It really does make a difference when one person speaks up, so don't ever give up.
Hopefully the owner does check the links, it would be good. It also helps when you tell them about all the supplies they could be selling and making a lot more money if they were to suggest the correct habitat requirements.
My daughter went to the pet store to pick up a hermit crab and tank for her brother for Christmas, and was astounded when she came out of the store having spent over $140 on supplies. The gal at the pet store said she would not let her take a crab without at least the bare minimum requirements. She got a little more than the bare minimum, and calci sand was recommended for mixing in with the EE, but otherwise it was pretty good advice. They even sold her instant ocean marine salt. :)

Good job! Way to persevere!
6 hermit crabs - 3 PPs and 3 Equadorians
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Re: PetLand Complaint letter, response received, UPDATE

Post by hermie_lover3542 »

that i amazing! I wish that everyone would make sure that you have the proper care of a hermit crab an other animals aswell. I do octen get questions about i fi have certain hings but theyre usually what i call hermit crab myths like the whole do you have all of the same size crabs etc. i usually just tell them no and explain why. I just love to see the expressions and astonishment. Oh and another thing i did was take m straw to petsmart shell shoppin (im horrible at it) lonv story anyways but every worker there said that he was beautiful! And again they were amazed. :)
*~-proud hermie mommy of 15-~*
They are Hermie the 2nd(medium pp), T.J.(medium pp), Big Daddy(large pp), Tank(Jumbo pp), Pearl(large pp), DigDug(medium pp), Freaky Fred(small pp),courage(Medium pp), Strawberry Shortcake(small pp), Tiny Timantha(tiny pp), T-rex(giant Indo), Bruce(medium strawberry), Autumn(medium blueberry), and Hor-Hay(medium blueberry).
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Petland's Improving!

Post by autumnfalls »

I went to petland today to get some marine salt and as always I wandered by the hermit crabs. I was surpirsed to find that they had unpainted shells (except one or two) as well as cocohuts, and driftwood to hide in/under. I checked around and found a pile of healthy crabs hiding under the driftwood. There was a large container of water as well as a food dish filled with partially pellets but also some insects (mealworms, etc). The bedding was actually deeper too :) There was a humidity and temperature gauge which had good readings on it. They need another water dish and to get rid of the painted shells, but it is far better than any other store I've seen!
Long haired Crab Enthusiast!
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