Hermi Experiance!

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Joined: 04 Jan 2005, 09:59

Hermi Experiance!

Post by lilhermitgirl17 »

Well, I have 2 hermits, and one is bigger than the other, but they are both pretty small. The smallest one is the only one that would ever come out and let me hold it. He is cute.
Ok, I have never held a hermi that was any bigger than my small one, and he is maybe like a Nickle size. I rarely ever see the big one out, except when I give him a bath. At first he would come out then, but when I reached in to take him out, he would instantly go back into his shell. then he would stay out till he came out of the water, but then get back in his shell, so still, I had never held him. Well, last night, I took him out and he didnt' go back in. I was like, ahhhhhh... what do I do!!!! he even stayed out when I set him on his towel. I was so excited. Hehe. Just thought I'd share!
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Zoea I
Zoea I
Posts: 142
Joined: 09 Nov 2004, 16:12
Gender: Female
Hermit crabs: 5
Total gallons: 30
Total tanks: 1
Location: OH, USA

New Friend

Post by Carrie »

Sounds like your new friend is getting used to his new home. They are very shy at first... and some just stay shy. My Huge III loved to get out and explore yet never liked to be held or even looked at much. She'd see me and hide, but if I was still enough, I'd sit next to her while she'd climb all over the couch and obviously enjoy herself. I had her for over 3 years and that's just the way she was. It takes them a while to adjust but they'll get to know you and trust you... as you're seeing..

Kali Sharai
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