An unexpected molter :(

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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An unexpected molter :(

Post by Bonnie.Maree »

First of all I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere but this is my first molter and I'm really worried and upset for the little guy :(

I have four hermies - Willow, Indigo, Charlie and Chester. Indigo and Chester are my quietest two but have both been very active in the last week and Charlie and Willow are my most active hermit crabs who love to climb and make noise. Willow however has been very quiet lately but thats another story (In my journal here) - Onto the problem at hand! First the boring stuff!

What is the volume of your main tank?
40 Gallons.

How many hermit crabs do you currently have? How big are they?
Two crabs, Chester (small) and Charlie (Small to medium), Indigo (Medium but in a larger shell) and Willow (Large)

How long have you had the hermit crab(s) that you are concerned about?
Charlie and Chester Ten weeks, Willow and Indigo Seven weeks

What substrate or combination of substrates are you using? How deep is it?
Washed Sydney beach sand, currently three-four cms high.

What do you feed your hermit crabs?
Ordered off of the Aussie ebay place for some organic dry food stuff changed once every two days and supplying fresh fruit, vege and different meats and fish.

Do you use distilled, bottled, tap or other types of water?

If you are using a dechlorinator, what brand is it? Does it state to remove all heavy metals, chlorine and chloramines?

What brand of sea salt are you using to supply your hermit crabs with salt water?
Sea salt by the same ebay user I bought the food off.

What heat source are you using and where is it positioned?
A heat mat positioned on the right side of tank but has been turned off due to extreme tempretures ranging from 34-37 C

Have you calibrated your thermometer(s) and hygrometer so that you can interpret accurate readings?
Yes, both about two degrees/percent off reading

What is the air temperature range and humidity inside the tank?
Warm side has been 30C during the night without heat source, during the day 37C. I have made a cold end which ranges between 25-22C Humidity varies between 75% and 60%

What is the highest temperature that the substrate near the heat source reaches?
See above

...Ok so with that in the last week and a half my hermit crab Charlie has continued his usual shananigans of climbing on whatever he can in the tank including the sticks and plastic tree ornaments.

Last Wednesday he burried himself near the cold end but the ice box I use was liquified so it wasnt cold. I had to change it but waited till Friday as I didnt want to disturb him. I eventually changed it but was careful not to move him even though I was concerned about him being near the real cold section of the tank. Eventually he moved to under the clam shell water dish I have but not under the sand so I thought nothing of it.

Today I lifted the dish to check on him and obviously clean it and change the water. To my horror I saw half a body hanging out. After an hour of yelling at myself and tears I knew I had to remove him. As I carefully picked the shell up and body with a towel I saw something behind it - A hermit crab O.O Charlie was still alive! But yellow? I had to set up my iso as I hadnt expected any of my active hermies to molt and wanted to wait to get a heat mat.

So now I'm terrified my little guy will die :( My questions are...

1) Do hermit crabs always bury when they molt or do some molt onto?

2) When I moved Charlie to iso I kept him under the dish but also put it right next to access a hidey cave. Will he move there or should I have put him under that?

3) Why is he yellow? Is that normal? I thought they were supposed to be pink?
MY HERMIT CRABS: Chester the sneaky and Indigo the digger
REST IN PEACE Willow the tunnel maker and Charlie the climber
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Bonnie.Maree »

UPDATE: So I just read the 'what to do with surface molter' thread and now ive realised I have a bigger problem. Charlie's shell was turned on the back so its facing so you can see his claw, legs etc. This thread said molters are very weak so he might not be able to move as his in quite a thick shell. Do I leave him or eventually turn him over?
MY HERMIT CRABS: Chester the sneaky and Indigo the digger
REST IN PEACE Willow the tunnel maker and Charlie the climber
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by ladybug15057 »

Congrats on the molt!!! Take 3 deep breaths, all should be ok! :)
Some hermies are salmon color, but not all. Wai or another Aussie crabber who may of seen a freshly molted hermie maybe able to answer this better, but I remember a few years ago seeing an Aussie molter a beige/cream/yellowish color when another Aussie crabber posted photos of her molters.
Not all hermies burrow to molt, some do some don't so it is nothing to actually panic over is one molts on the surface. Majority seem to molt on the cooler side of the tank too. We have had over 700+ molts here and all above substrate and one who insists on molting in a bottle!! (740 successful and 2 mishaps)Some molt in hidey's a few right out in the open! When hermies molt they are sort of like jello, so with some until they begin to harden it is next to impossible to move. (like no muscle tone to do so with) But if it were me, I would move a little of the substrate from the main tank to where he is so it smells familiar, place the hidey over him, put both water sources outside the door for easy access and leave him be for a couple days then offer a high nutritional diet. Good luck and keep us updated!
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by ladybug15057 »

Update reply: turn him right side up so he can eat his exo. I have watched several molts in our 12+ years of crabbing. They do come partly out of their shells leaving the tips of their abdomens in the shell. Sometimes they can pull themselves back into their shells with a bit too much force and flip themselves upside down.
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Bonnie.Maree »

Thanks ladybug! I'll do just that! Although the calming bit will be hard, I have such a soft spot for Charlie. I did drop one of the exo skin legs but managed to find it straight away! Luckily.
MY HERMIT CRABS: Chester the sneaky and Indigo the digger
REST IN PEACE Willow the tunnel maker and Charlie the climber
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Wai »

Freshly moulted Aussies do tend to be pale yellow with a patch of blue or purple on the claw. This is opposed to the 'pink' colour you often hear from Americans describing their PPs.
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Bonnie.Maree »

thats a relief!

UPDATE: So I'm having a hard time keeping the humidity up in the iso tank as it has lots of holes. I misted the tank till it was at 75% before placing him inside it and since then its been dropping dramatically about 5% every two hours. I have placed a wet towel over the tank but this is only slowing the dropping process. I dont want to mist the tank because that harms molters - right?
MY HERMIT CRABS: Chester the sneaky and Indigo the digger
REST IN PEACE Willow the tunnel maker and Charlie the climber
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Wai »

The humidity will keep dropping due to the heat source. Just keep the towel moist without spraying the tank anymore as it may stress the moulter if you have to keep opening up the lid.
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by Bonnie.Maree »

Thats the strange thing I dont have a heat source for my iso. Not that I need it anywY the current tempreture in there is 28 :S I have this problem with my main tank too although not needing the heat source on is making it easier.

I think willow is going to molt now due to his strang behaviour and then burying himself. Have any of you expereinced your hermit crabs hiding there eyes, looking up and repeating this a few times? Is this a molting sign or a paint poisoning sign?
MY HERMIT CRABS: Chester the sneaky and Indigo the digger
REST IN PEACE Willow the tunnel maker and Charlie the climber
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Re: An unexpected molter :(

Post by ladybug15057 »

When was the last time you calibrated the humidity gauge? (they are sensitive and possibly some moisture from misting in the tank got within the gauge?)
Can you maybe cover the damp towel with some type of plastic to keep it from drying out as fast?
Marie (aka ladybug15057)

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