Question about a 90% hardened crab

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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Question about a 90% hardened crab

Post by Wai »

My crab Jupiter is about 90% hardened after her molt, but is it safe to put her in the water dish (it's fairly shallow). I have not seen her drink on her own since her molt :(, but I have been hand-feeding her food or putting her right on top of the food in the dish. I'm getting very worried. She hangs onto her shell fairly loose, but does not fall out. She still moves a bit. What should I do? :(
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Post by ayianna »

Your crab may be weak from it's molt. Also, your crab is already 100% hard as of 3 to 4 days after molting, and most crabs aren't mobile again for a week or more after.

If it is the case that your crab is weak -doesn't have much pincer strength, seems lethargic, non-responsive, etc - putting it in water is likely to stress it out and cause it to use it's precious energy getting out of the water.

I would suggest monitoring her behavior for a few days and if she doesn't improve, remove her to a small iso where she doesn't have to walk around much, include food, water, shelter, and put it in a dark place for a week with little interruption. If you see no improvement, your crab may be sick or dying. If she begins to show signs of improvement but isn't up to scratch, let her stay there for another week. Also, put your smallest crab in to keep her company. Having a sudden lack of other crabs will do one of two things. She'll either be relieved that she doesn't have the pressure or she'll get stressed that she's suddenly not with her ... clan? hoarde?
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