Long time down

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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Long time down

Post by hyper.mum »

Hello to all :)
My strawberry crab Fanta has been down for 10 weeks this coming friday, talk about taking his time, I check the crabitat daily and there is no sign of bad smells or any evidence he has emerged for a quick bite to eat or for a drink. I mist the area in which I saw him last to be sure some sort of moisture can get to him but I was wondering what is the longest moult any one has experienced or heard of with Hermit Crabs as Im really starting to get more than worried now. Hopefully he will be coming up soon as I miss his presence, wish him luck.
Kellie :)
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Post by Wai »

He should be fine, but like everyone else, you'd be worrying badly. How deep is the sand? Do you know how far down he dug? I'm not sure if it's possible for the sand to block out any odours... but I'm hoping Fanta is okay. If it has been several months, I'd be very concerned. Overall, I disagree with digging up crabs, unless if it has been an awful long time. You don't want decaying crabs under the sand spreading bacteria :(
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Post by hyper.mum »

Woohooo, Fanta is finally up!!!!
I checked my calendar and he was down for a total of 13 weeks and 3 days.
He is a little smaller in size, but has noticeably moulted as he has very noticeable toenails and has lost a bit of his colouring, but he is up and literally running, lol.
Fanta has so much energy and I forgot how much he trashed the tank, oh after the first 24 hours I had to replace the fresh water dish 2 times, top up the food dish twice and stick the vines back up 3 times or more. Im so glad I waited as long as I did before I started to poke around to find him, whats more I have to count my lucky stars as he decided to moult in the main tank along with 11 other hermies! Just thought I would share my excitement with you all.
Kellie :)
Come say G'Day at my BLOG: http://www.hyperdigimum.blogspot.com
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Post by Wai »

Congrats to Fanta! I knew he'd be fine!
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