Surface Molt Gone Awry?

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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Surface Molt Gone Awry?

Post by mitalux »

I'm feeling a little guilty. I've just read all you can possible read about surface molting and I understand that a crab can still very well be alive even when it appears dead outside of its shell. I've been through a few surprise molts before (where I thought the crab was dead, but it turned out to be the exo) and SeeSee (named by my 2 year old) did not look like an exo this morning. He looked like a dead, shell-less crab. All the below being said, the crab was alive last night.

When I turned their lights on this morning, our larger crab was on top of SeeSee's body just outside of his shell. I scooped up the body and it was lifeless. I even watered it down to see if there was a response (also, I've learned, is not the thing to do to a surface molter) and nothing. The eyes were still there and black, but the feelers weren't moving at all. The crab's body would just literally bend at the abdomen and that was it... honestly, it looked as dead as could be.

So, I wrestled with how I should dispose of my child's pet and decided the toilet would be a great option (also the wrong thing to do, I've since learned lol) because the hermit was from the sea and it would be weird to bury him. In my defense, I waited a good minute before I flushed the crab and even fully submerged- it did not move at all.

Is it safe to say my crab was really dead? Please help me ease my conscience. -.-
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Re: Surface Molt Gone Awry?

Post by Wai »

SeeSee was probably indeed dead, especially if the abdomen was dried and shrivelled.
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Re: Surface Molt Gone Awry?

Post by mitalux »

Thank you for easing my mind. :) Poor little guy.
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