3 molters one month after owning and one died

Questions about hermit crabs moulting and its symptoms.
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3 molters one month after owning and one died

Post by crabbymiasmom »

We bought three hermies (1 medium PP, 1 small E, 1 tiny E) for our daughter for her 10th bday at the end of November 08. The conditions we established were better than the pet store but we were learning at the same time. So it would be fair to say that they transitioned to an optimal environment. When we added shredded coconut fiber into the tank they began to molt. This is when I began a quick course of study about truly caring for your hermit crabs not just providing care. You know what I mean?

First molter was the small E and we set up to ISO in the main tank. When the other two molted about a week later we took out the iso and then just let them all do their thing, underground. The tiny one lived through the molt, ate its exo and then came to surface but died on the surface at some unknown time? After seeing his body shrivel up, unmoved for the past five days...it was time to take him out of the tank. MY QUESTION IS THIS: when are they the most vulnerable during the molt or immediately after? Why do you think he died? food, water, saltwater, good temp, adequate humidity, etc...

The PP who lost his big claw is still alive, moving to different hiding spots. We don't do anything with him...since this seems to have been his personality since we got him. Thank heavens for the small E, since he is fun to watch climb, hide and play around. I think he needs some new E friends???
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Re: 3 molters one month after owning and one died

Post by Jaci »

We took a poll on here a while back and it seems that hermies tend to "hang around" with their own species, so getting another E wouldn't be a bad idea. It sounds like PPS (Post Purchase Syndrome). Not much is known about hermies and any diseases they can get. That's what this forum is for; all of us are constantly learning. If a hermie passes away in the first 2-3 months of adopting, then we blame PPS for the death.
You can learn a lot from the "Molting" section, but to answer your question, hermies are vulnerable immediately after they shed their skin. However they are (98% of the time) underground when this happens. This is why you should NEVER dig up a hermie if they've buried themselves. When they shed their exo, their "new selves" hasn't hardened yet, and since hermies are carnivores, they can be attacked by other hermies in the tank. They will eat their old exo because it's full of calcium and other vitamins that helps the hermie's new exo harden.

Hope that helped!
*** Lemi *** Bebe *** Wendy *** Ike *** Craig *** Aries*** Zeus ***

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Re: 3 molters one month after owning and one died

Post by crabbymiasmom »

Thanks for writing. We were looking for the little one--worried he had been eaten when we saw his unfinished, partially eaten exo, we covered him back up! About three days later he appeared! But didn't move much, so we put food and water closer. Happy news is the PP didn't lose a claw after all. It must have been the uneaten part of his exo? This forum is great--thanks for you wisdom.

Now having been to three pet stores recently, observing crabitats and making phone-calls...it is sad that I actually know more about crab care than them!!!!! And I am a rookie.

This does become a serious interest doesn't it? I found myself making organic crab food today. My dear hubby thought I was making food for the family. Ha ha!
Kerry (crab grandmother since the hermies are actually my daughter's)
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Re: 3 molters one month after owning and one died

Post by Jaci »

Congratulations on your first Molt! I'm going to move this topic to the "Molting" forum to help others in your situation.
Yeah, digging up a molter can be harmful to them. I learned this the hard way. It was before I found this forum and Shelley and Lemi were both under and I wasn't sure why. I kept digging them up, unfortunately we lost Shelley because I thought they were suffocating lol, but Lemi was resiliant and we just celebrated his 3rd (year of owning him) birthday last month. A few days before they molt and until their new exo is hardened, hermies are vulnerable and stressed, digging them up can create more stress and cause them to pass away.
I'm glad that your hermie molted successfully and is happy! Once you get through the first few molts, you know you're doing something right! Awesome job!
*** Lemi *** Bebe *** Wendy *** Ike *** Craig *** Aries*** Zeus ***

Token 1/8/06 * Butters 1/31/06 * Tweek 3/16/06 * Shelley 4/14/06 * Timmy 8/5/06 * Athena 11/6/06 * Jimmy 1/22/08 * Apollo 2/4/08
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