General Rules and Guidelines

Queries and feedback on how this site is run. No care questions.
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Posts: 2903
Joined: 01 Nov 2004, 14:12
Gender: Male
Hermit crabs: 2
Total gallons: 45
Total tanks: 1
Location: Victoria, Australia

General Rules and Guidelines

Post by Wai »

Welcome to the Hermit Crab Paradise forums!

In order to keep this place a safe, welcoming and organised environment for everyone, the below set of rules and guidelines have been enforced. By registering as a member of Hermit Crab Paradise, you agree to abide by all of the rules below.

If you wish to mention one of the following rules in your posts, please quote the rule's description. The number assigned to each rule may change over time as new rules are added.

General Rules and Guidelines

1. Please read through our Crab Care section. You may find answers faster this way than waiting for someone to reply on the forums.

2. If the Crab Care section does not answer your questions, try using our forum search function to see if other members have provided answers to questions similar to yours.

3. If you are unable to find answers to your questions, please register to post in the forum in which your questions best fit (e.g. moulting questions in the Moulting section). Please give your topic a distinct subject title. For example, "Moulter has been buried for four months" gives us a better idea of what you would like to talk about, versus "Help!!!" or "Need some advice".

4. After registering, your first post will need to be approved by a moderator before it is displayed in public. This is to deter human spammers who post unwanted advertisements on our forums.

5. For the same enquiry, keep your questions in a single topic to help others keep track of what has been asked and answered. Posting the same questions everywhere will cause confusion.

6. If you are new to this forum and need help with your hermit crabs, please introduce yourself and answer all of the questions below for us to get a better understanding of your hermit crab tank. Copy and paste the following code to your post to answer the questions:

Code: Select all

[b]What is the volume of your main tank?[/b]

[b]How many hermit crabs do you currently have? How big are they?[/b]

[b]How long have you had the hermit crab(s) that you are concerned about?[/b]

[b]What substrate or combination of substrates are you using? How deep is it?[/b]

[b]What do you feed your hermit crabs?[/b]

[b]Do you use distilled, bottled, tap or other types of water?[/b]

[b]If you are using a dechlorinator, what brand is it? Does it state to remove all heavy metals, chlorine and chloramines?[/b]

[b]What brand of sea salt are you using to supply your hermit crabs with salt water?[/b]

[b]What heat source are you using and where is it positioned?[/b]

[b]Have you calibrated your thermometer(s) and hygrometer so that you can interpret accurate readings?[/b]

[b]What is the air temperature range and humidity inside the tank?[/b]

[b]What is the highest temperature that the substrate near the heat source reaches?[/b]

[b]Do you have any photos of your tank or hermit crab(s) of concern? If yes, please attach them to your post.[/b]

7. Describe your concerns with as much detail as you can. Please type in proper English and refrain from using unnecessary abbreviations. Don't forget to answer any questions ask by those trying to help you.

8. This forum is not monitored continuously. Our members will try their best to answer your questions as soon as possible. If your questions are urgent, please read through the Crab Care section again or use the search function in the mean time. If you post on the forum for help, then all other members can see your post and offer advice. However, if you use the private messaging system, then only one person can help you.

9. Do not post or link to any inappropriate content or irrelevant advertisements. Doing so may lead to you being banned.

10. If you need to quote text or copy images by someone else into your posts, please leave a link to the original source of the content.

11. Please refrain from replying to very old posts unless you have something constructive to say. For example, if someone made a topic concerning a hermit crab that had been buried for a few weeks, it is not necessary to just say "Oh, I hope it is okay!" a year later.

12. Be friendly and respectful to each other. Please take personal issues through private messages or contact myself, the administrator, for help. There is no single "correct" method to crabbing. After all, forums are designed for open discussion.

13. As moderators, the Crab Crew have the ability to remove, move or close any topic if necessary. The Crab Crew will remove e-mail addresses from public forum posts to protect them from being added to the e-mailing lists of spambots.

14. The information that you have entered into the forum is stored in a secure database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither Hermit Crab Paradise nor phpBB shall be held responsible in the unlikely event that a hacking attempt compromises the data.

15. The administrator may ban any person suspected of upsetting other members or the integrity of Hermit Crab Paradise. Any consequences regarding other members will not be discussed in public for confidentiality reasons. All actions taken regarding HCP and its board rules are thoroughly discussed privately amongst the Crab Crew for fairness prior to any actions being taken.

16. If you have not submitted any posts or photos, then you will need to log in at least once a year to keep your account. Otherwise, your account will be deleted to save database space. However, you may register again if you later decide to return.

If you agree to abide by all of the rules above, then you may create an account to post on these forums.

Forum Tips

There are some useful links on the top left corner of the forum index page:

If you tick the "Notify me when a reply is posted" box, you will be automatically sent an e-mail when someone replies to your post.

"View your posts" is useful if you forgot where you made a particular post.

"View unanswered posts" is great for those wishing to help around the forum by answering new posts.

"View new posts" allows you to view any new posts that were made since your last visit.

As mentioned previously, you may sign up for instant e-mail notifications when a reply is posted to your topic by checking the "Notify me when a reply is posted" box.

To attach a photo to your post, click the "Upload attachment" tab on the screen where you type in a new post. Click the "Browse" button to locate where the photo is saved in your computer, then click "Add the file". Write a very brief description of what the photo is showing under "File comment". If you need help resizing photos or reducing its file size, please contact me.