Lady is acting stange since Spider died

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Zoea I
Zoea I
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Lady is acting stange since Spider died

Post by arhoads »

I know it sounds weird but could she be grieving or maybe scared? She has gone several days without eating or drinking. She just hides under the aquarium decoration. When I moved things around today she was sitting on the surface in the corner of the arch of the decoration. I picked her up and she looks great. Her eyes are clear, she appears healthy. She's very skittish now. She wouldn't eat or drink even though I put her right by the food/water. She started right for the cocohut and when she came out of it later she would only come out about two inches and then suddenly run back in. She did this several times before she finally went back to the aquarium decoration again. She crabitat is in the living room and I work from home so I know Kong hasn't bothered her at all. I'm up most of the night writing and he completely ignores her, actually, since coming up from his molt he's kinda afraid of her.
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Re: Lady is acting stange since Spider died

Post by Wai »

I won't rule out the grieving, but hermit crabs in general don't seem that caring of each other. I do see mine resting next to each other under the CHE a lot, but when they're actively walking around, some crabs will bat others who are the same size or small if they are in their path. Other crabs prefer to be more passive and just walk around or climb over.
Zoea I
Zoea I
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Re: Lady is acting stange since Spider died

Post by arhoads »

She must have known I was talking about her. Last night when I got back from my daughters concert she was sitting next to Kong eating and was very active the rest of the night. I guess whatever was going on with her has passed.
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