Please help me

Questions about unexpected problems.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2024, 10:01
Gender: Female
Hermit crabs: 2
Total gallons: 35
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Please help me

Post by Kristasss »

yesterday morning I went to do a usual check on my hermit Crabs and found one of them hanging upside down, In the climbing net. I removed him
By having to cut the net. Problem was he wasn't in His shell, we we put him back in his shell. Make sure he wasn't dried right out. Make sure he was warm and I was recommended to just leave him for the night. And check today.
Well, when I checked on him today. He was awake but it seemed strange that he hadn't moved from spot. So I went to pick him up, And he came out of his shell. Please help me what should I do
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Joined: 01 Nov 2004, 14:12
Gender: Male
Hermit crabs: 6
Total gallons: 45
Total tanks: 1
Location: Victoria, Australia

Re: Please help me

Post by Wai »

Please follow the steps on the Streaking page, including flushing out his shell in case something irritating is inside. Check the temperature and humidity of the tank; could it be too hot?
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